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Bibliografia Publikacji Pracowników PK
12 628-29-51

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Abdolmaleki, Hamed; Bertone, Valerio; Britzger, Daniel; Camarda, Stefano; Cooper-Sarkar, Amanda; Geiser, Achim; Giuli, Francesco; Glazov, Alexander; Luszczak, Agnieszka; Novikov, Ivan; Olness, Fred; Sapronov, Andrey; Zenaiev, Oleksandr

Recent QCD results from the xFitter project: Probing the strange content of the proton with charm production in charged current at LHeC

typ: materiały konferencyjne w czasopiśmie

Treść pytania lub uwagi:
Ile wynosi 3 x 2 + 3 =

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