
Bibliografia Publikacji Pracowników PK (50021) | Inne bazy bibliograficzne (15019) Architektura i Sztuka Krakowa (2298) | Historia i Ludzie PK – baza w przygotowaniu (0) | Konferencje Krynickie - Referaty (7776) LXVII Konferencja Naukowa, 2022 (41) | LXVI Konferencja Naukowa, 2020 (67) | LXV Konferencja Naukowa, 2019 (58) | LXIV Konferencja Naukowa, 2018 (139) | LXIII Konferencja Naukowa, 2017 (136) | LXII Konferencja Naukowa, 2016 (150) | LXI Konferencja Naukowa, 2015 (145) | LX Konferencja Naukowa, 2014 (190) | LIX Konferencja Naukowa, 2013 (110) | LVIII Konferencja Naukowa, 2012 (168) | LVII Konferencja Naukowa, 2011 (111) | LVI Konferencja Naukowa, 2010 (130) | LV Konferencja Naukowa, 2009 (108) | LIV Konferencja Naukowa, 2008 (161) | LIII Konferencja Naukowa, 2007 (161) | LII Konferencja Naukowa, 2006 (123) | LI Konferencja Naukowa, 2005 (113) | L Konferencja Naukowa, 2004 (165) | XLIX Konferencja Naukowa, 2003 (125) | XLVIII Konferencja Naukowa, 2002 (137) | XLVII Konferencja Naukowa, 2001 (154) | XLVI Konferencja Naukowa, 2000 (140) | XLV Konferencja Naukowa, 1999 (161) | XLIV Konferencja Naukowa, 1998 (140) | XLIII Konferencja Naukowa, 1997 (153) | XLII Konferencja Naukowa, 1996 (164) | XLI Konferencja Naukowa, 1995 (173) | XL Konferencja Naukowa, 1994 (151) | XXXIX Konferencja Naukowa, 1993 (148) | XXXVIII Konferencja Naukowa, 1992 (117) | XXXVII Konferencja Naukowa, 1991 (125) | XXXVI Konferencja Naukowa, 1990 (109) | XXXV Konferencja Naukowa, 1989 (150) | XXXIV Konferencja Naukowa, 1988 (177) | XXXIII Konferencja Naukowa, 1987 (195) | XXXII Konferencja Naukowa, 1986 (190) | XXXI Konferencja Naukowa, 1985 (180) | XXX Konferencja Naukowa, 1984 (143) | XXIX Konferencja Naukowa, 1983 (141) | XXVIII Konferencja Naukowa, 1982 (120) | XXVII Konferencja Naukowa, 1981 (160) | XXVI Konferencja Naukowa, 1980 (169) | XXV Konferencja Naukowa, 1979 (177) | XXIV Konferencja Naukowa, 1978 (143) | XXIII Konferencja Naukowa, 1977 (120) | XXII Konferencja Naukowa, 1976 (143) | XXI Konferencja Naukowa, 1975 (132) | XX Konferencja Naukowa, 1974 (151) | XIX Konferencja Naukowa, 1973 (131) | XVIII Konferencja Naukowa, 1972 (112) | XVII Konferencja Naukowa, 1971 (120) | XVI Konferencja Naukowa, 1970 (116) | XV Konferencja Naukowa, 1969 (75) | XIV Konferencja Naukowa, 1968 (114) | XIII Konferencja Naukowa, 1967 (100) | XII Konferencja Naukowa, 1966 (106) | XI Konferencja Naukowa, 1965 (81) |
| Niepublikowane prace naukowe pracowników PK (1994-2012) (4941) |
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Tematyka bazy Historia i Ludzie PK
|  | Partridge, Agnieszka W stulecie hekatomby. Cmentarze wojenne z lat 1914-1918 w dawnej Galicji Zachodniej jako unikatowy zespół sepulkralny. Dzieje, twórcy, symbolika, stan zachowania, problemy ochrony typ: opis bibliograficzny artykułu |  |
Wariant tytułu | | On the hecatomb's hundredth anniversary. War cemeteries from the years 1914-1918 in former Western Galicia as a unique fun erary complex. History, creators, symbolism, state of preservation, protection issues | Data wydania | | 2015 | Język | | polski | Seria/Czasopismo | | Ochrona Zabytków | Numer tomu | | 68 | Numer | | 1 (266) | Zakres stron | | 95-129 | Oznaczenie ilustracji | | fot. | Tytuł cyklu | | Ikonografia | Uwagi | | Bibliogr. s. 127-128 |
Abstrakt | | The military operations during World War I in the territory of the former Western Galicia, that is, today’s Małopolska (Lesser Poland), were conducted with interruptions from November 1914 until the ... więcejThe military operations during World War I in the territory of the former Western Galicia, that is, today’s Małopolska (Lesser Poland), were conducted with interruptions from November 1914 until the beginning of May 1915. It is estimated that over 60 thousand solders died in the fights lasting, with in terruptions, six months and other 30 thousand died of wounds before the end of the war. On 3 November 1915, the Austro-Hungarian Ministry of War with a seat in Vienna established nine Troops for War Graves in the territory of the Monarchy, of which three branches were formed in Galicia (Kraków – Western Galicia, Przemyśl – Middle Galicia, Lvov – Western Galicia). Kriegsgräber Abteilung des K.u.K. Militarkommandos Krakau, that is, Troops for War Graves at the Garrison Headquarters in Kraków was led by Captain (later Major) Rudolf Broch, and the conception officers: Captain Ludwig Brixel and Captain Hans Hauptmann cooperated with him. The task of the Troop was not only to tidy up battlefields, but also creating war cemeteries which would serve as an example for other Austro-Hungarian regions where war activities were still pursued, as well as to arrange war burials and commemorate the heroism of fallen soldiers. Within nearly three years, from 1916 to 1918, about 400 military cemeteries were established in the territory of the present-day Małopolska. The places of fights were divided into ten Cemetery Districts: I “Nowy Żmigród” (31 cemeteries), II “Jasło” (31 cemeteries), III “Gorlice” (54 cemeteries), IV “Łużna” (27 cemeteries), V “Pilzno” (26 cemeteries), VI “Tarnów” (62 cemeteries), VII “Dąbrowa Tarnowska” (13 cemeteries), VIII “Brzesko” (52 cemeteries), IX “Bochnia” (46 cemeteries), X “Limanowa” (36 cemeteries) and the Eleventh Cemetery District “Kraków Fortress” (22 cemeteries) which, as it was situated in the place under the command of the Fortess and, at the same time, was subject to the Troop for War Graves, was under a kind of a double superiority. Each of the districts was administered by an officer with technical or artistic education and an artistic administrator. Their duties included examining the area, supervising a selection of the place, a technical design, an artistic concept, ensuring the supply of building materials. In total, there were over people serving at the Troop, including drafters, photographers, various craftsmen, gardeners, as well as carefully selected designers, architects, sculptors. The people employed there were individualists favouring various artistic trends, originating from several important academic centres – Vienna, Munich, Kraków. The most famous of them included: a Slovakian architect Dušan Jurkovič, an Austrian sculptor Heinrich Scholz, Austrian architects: Hans Mayr, Gustav Ludwig, Emil Ladevig, Gustav Rossmann, Polish, Czech and Austrian artists: Wojciech Kossak, Alfons Karpiński, Henryk Uziembło, Adolf Kašpar, Franz Poledne, Leo Perlberger. That international team, designing and building the cemeteries, with a full respect, as well as the respect for the enemies, Russians, ensured a dignified burial of tens of thousands soldiers. The cemeteries created were rich in symbols, of which none is identical with others in spite of using the same architectonic elements. The idea of unification of graves was given up; instead, sophisticated cemetery solutions were employed. On the monuments, plaques with special inscriptions were fixed. Trees and plants with a symbolic meaning were planted around the graves. As a result, a unique cemetery complex was created in our land, which refers to many funerary traditions, with traces of Egyptian, Greek and Roman architecture. Apart from popularizing activities, publishing special series of postcards, stamps and cemetery medals, a special album was published in which all memorials were catalogued and described. It also functioned as a guide which would help the families of the deceased during their visits to the graves of their relatives in Galicia. In addition, special concrete signposts leading to each cemetery were provided. After the end of war activities, the war cemeteries in Galicia went under the administration of the Polish state. In the interwar period, some of the graves were liquidated, thus reducing the number of cemeteries of the complex in Galicia to about 380. Many graves were destroyed and forgotten in the period of People’s Polish Republic. However, since 1989, war cemeteries in Małopolska have been gradually saved and conserved thanks to state funds and the cooperation of local governments with the representatives of Austrian Black Cross, as well as other initiatives. The memory of them is also restored. In the Western and Middle Europe, there are many places of memory and cemeteries from World War I. They mark the lines of former trenches and are a manifestation of cruelty of the global conflict. They differ from the war cemeteries in Małopolska, since they were built after the war, concentrating fallen soldiers, unifying, creating national cemeteries where soldiers from enemy armies are sought in vain. In that context, the war cemeteries situated in present-day Małopolska are unique on the European scale, a testimony of humanism and respect towards the death of both own and enemy soldiers. | Słowa kluczowe | | sztuka sepulkralna, sztuka sakralna, architektura galicyjska, architektura cmentarna, mała architektura, detale architektoniczne, chrześcijaństwo, muzułmaństwo, neobarok, renesans, kamień łamany, ... więcejsztuka sepulkralna, sztuka sakralna, architektura galicyjska, architektura cmentarna, mała architektura, detale architektoniczne, chrześcijaństwo, muzułmaństwo, neobarok, renesans, kamień łamany, beton, piasek rzeczny, cement portlandzki, kamień ciosany, wapno, cegła, dachówka "karpiówka", styl biedermeierowski, formy pomników, kurhan, kopiec, tumulus, obelisk, piramida, kolumna, kolumnada, pergola, rzeźba wolnostojąca, łuk triumfalny, sarkofag, urna, wieża, ołtarz, pylon, portal, gontyna, kaplica, kapliczka, krzyż, krzyż listowy, krucyfiks, motyw piety, wieniec, brama, ogrodzenie, symbolika bramy, pole grobowe, inskrypcje nagrobne, tympanon, motyw ptaków, układ architektoniczny, przedstawienie figularne, Quadratstil, plan cmentarza, układ przestrzenny, plan okręgu, plan elipsy, plan trójlistków, plan krzyży łacińskich, plan krzyży greckich, plan kwadratu, plan trójkątu, plan połączeń figur geometrycznych, Oddział Grobów Wojennych, Kriegsgräber Abteilung Krakau, Ministerstwo Wojny, I wojna światowa, ochrona i konserwacja, operacja gorlicka, groby żołnierskie, cmentarz wojenny, cmentarz zbiorczy, cmentarz galicyjski, zachodniogalicyjskie cmentarze, grobowce, cmentarz rzymski, mogiła, wojsko, armia, wojna, okupacja, Rada Ochrony Pamięci Walk i Męczeństwa, pomnik historii, symbolika miejsca lokalizacji, symbolika planu cmentarza i wystroju, symbolika materiału budowlanego, kompozycja zieleni, dewastacja, Rudolf Broch, Adolf Kašpar, Hans Mayr, Heinrich Scholza, Leo Rossmann, Gustaw Ludwig, Wojciech Kossak, Henryk Uziembło, Alfons Karpiński, Jan Szczepkowski, Herman Kurt, Anton Müller, Siegfried Haller, Jan Szczepkowski, Frank Stark, "Żmigród", "Łużna", "Pilzno", "Tarnów", "Bochnia", "Brzesko", "Twierdza Kraków", "Limanów", Cmentarz Podgórski, Kraków, Galicja Zachodnia, Austro-Węgry, Rosja World War I, the Gorlice operation, soldiers' graves, symbolism, architecture, devastation, protection |
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